This Social Media Thing

berry swing

Last week I attended a program laying out strategies for modern marketing.  I now have a Facebook account (FB) and the friends are flooding in.  I need to back up a bit and explain:  My motivation for the FB page was more out of obligation.  I am the president of the Atlanta/SE chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers and the chapter now has a FB page.

The New York Times reported on Twitter today and there are some interesting findings.  One of the great quotes: “It seems more, like, professional, and not something that a teenager would do,” said 16-year-old Miranda Grazier. “I think I might join when I’m older.”  Wow, talk about putting the shoe on the other foot.  So it isn’t the young and “tech-savvy” who are responsible for Twitter’s success.

This new information should make admissions marketers take a step back and re-examine their recruiting strategies.  In the rush to fan out in all modern directions, are some of these platforms a waste of time?  Most likely not, but to have confidence that the time and energy put into getting the message out is productive, it makes sense to review the trends from time to time.

My college daughter made me her FB friend!  I hope she didn’t do it out of obligation.

4 thoughts on “This Social Media Thing

  1. Hey Paul:

    I’m a firm believer in traditional marketing strategies, but you CAN’T afford to not be on the social web.

    Hope all is well down south and business is healthy.


    1. Joe, you’re right. If anyone has a marketing action plan it’s you. I have held that each portal serves a function. But as you know, the magic of the message is effective communication. I now see that Twitter is more effective for communicating with folks who already are interested, such as alumni! or potential clients?

      I just heard that the dog days of summer ends on August 11. Someone forgot to pass that on to the hounds in Georgia.

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